We all are a wee bit curious about our Roots

When I retired, we sold our off-island home and moved permanently to our summer home in Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts. We live in the Harthaven section of Oak Bluffs, which at one time was a summer community for William H. Hart and his extended family. Over time, the community has changed, but the Hart roots still run deep. We have many artists and writers on Martha's Vineyard, a few are quite famous, many just aspiring. Harthaven is a microcosm of the island. Put www.Harthavencommunity.com into your browser, peruse the excellent photography, then click on About Harthaven artists and writers. The three images on your screen are a sample of the community's abilities. A few times a year, the community publishes the Harthaven Herald, which among other things, allows the aspiring to ply their craft. For the fall issue I wrote a piece for the Herald dealing with genealogy. Here is the link /uploads/1/9/2/5/19256439/we_all_are_wee_bit_curious_about_our_roots.pdf

My neighbor, Heather Goff, who designed the harthavencommunity.com website, has taken a photo virtually every day since February 2012. Then using digital software she spends up to several hours sketching. The above photo of Jayden and Jake, two of my grandchildren in Hart's harbor, was taken by Heather in the summer of 2012. Her sketches can be seen at http://Heathergoff.me or at facebook.com/heathergoffdailysketches